BJP national vice president and former Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Raman Singh said that efforts have been made to satisfy every section of society in the poll manifesto released by Home Minister Amit Shah for the upcoming Chhattisgarh Assembly elections. “It is a good manifesto. Efforts have been made to satisfy every section of the society,” Singh told reporters in Raipur on November 3.
The BJP leader said that announcements have been made for farmers, prices of gas cylinders have been reduced and Rs 1,000 will be provided to women.
“…I want to clarify to all the farmers of Chhattisgarh that our Minimum Support Price (MSP) along with the bonus is Rs 3,100,” he said later in the evening.
Unveiling the BJP’s manifesto for the upcoming Assembly elections, Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Friday said the double-engine government will make Chhattisgarh a fully-developed state over the next five years if elected.
Chhattisgarh is scheduled to have Assembly poll in two phases – on November 7 and 17.
Listing out the BJP’s salient promises to the people of Chhattisgarh in the manifesto, titled ‘Modi ki Guarantee 2023′, Shah said, “As mentioned in our manifesto, the BJP, if voted back in Chhattisgarh, will launch the Krishi Unnati Yojana, as part of which we will purchase 21 quintals/acre of paddy at the price of Rs 3,100. The amount raised from our purchase would be passed on to the farmers.”
“We have also decided to give Rs 12,000 per year to all married women while filling one lakh vacant positions (in government offices) in two years. We have also resolved to build 18 lakh houses under the Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana and ensure the supply of tap water to every single house in the state. We will also provide a grant of Rs 10,000 annually to landless farmers and set up 500 more Jan Ausadhi Kendras across the state,” he added.
Lashing out at Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, the Union Home Minister accused him of “planting fake news” in local dailies.
He added that the Centre addressed security challenges arising out of Left-Wing Extremism, while the Congress government robbed public money instead of waiving farmers’ loans.
“They (Congress) indulged in corruption and looted people’s money instead of waiving farmers’ loans. They could have done a lot for the state had they not misused public money and indulged in corruption. The people voted for the Congress government on several parameters, prominent among which were reining in Naxal activities and improved law and order. It was us (Centre), instead, which addressed the security issues of the state,” Shah said.
“I assure the people here that we will make Chhattisgarh a fully developed state in the coming five years if elected,” Shah said after unveiling the manifesto.
“This isn’t just a manifesto for us, it is a letter of faith. It’s a pledge, resolve for the people of Chhattisgarh,” the Union Home Minister added.
“I believe we can all agree that there’s no one better at putting out fake news and self-advertisements than Bhupesh Baghel. He is accomplished in making fake CDs, fake pen drives, and planting fake news in newspapers.
It was through his fake claims and advertisements that he stayed in power for five years,” Shah added.
Terming CM Baghel as “the biggest obstacle” to the development of the state, the BJP stalwart added, “I want to tell the people of Chhattisgarh that (Prime Minister Narendra) Modi-ji wants to develop Chhattisgarh but Bhupesh Baghel is the biggest obstacle to the state’s progress. Baghel-ji fears losing the CM’s chair if the Centre’s development efforts are realised”.
Keeping up his verbal assault on the Congress regime, Shah said it failed its mandate to ensure law and order in the state.
“In the last 5 years, the Bhupesh Baghel government has proved to be a failure in terms of law and order. He made more than 300 promises on this front before coming to power but none of these were fulfilled,” Shah added.
The counting of votes for the Chhattisgarh Assembly has been scheduled for December 3, along with those of four other poll-bound states.
Congress stormed to the hustings in Chhattisgarh in the 2018 elections, winning 68 of the 90 seats and hogging 43.9 per cent of the total votes polled.
The BJP had to be content with just 15 seats.
(With inputs from ANI)