Bharatiya Janata Parlty MP Nayab Singh Saini said after his appointment as Harayana’s state president of the BJP that “The party has given big responsibility to a small worker. I am thankful for this. I will fulfill the expectations that the party has of me. We will work to take the party forward. There are elections in 2024 before us. The BJP will win all 10 seats from here once again. Assembly elections will also happen. Our party will work to facilitate the schemes started by CM Manohar Lal Khattar and schemes by the Central Government for the common people.”
Saini also met with Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar.He further said, “Strengthening the organisation would be my primary task. There is a challenge in front of us. The Congress Party is continuously trying to mislead the public by lying and we have to save the public from these lies.”
He took a jibe on Rahul Gandhi’s slogan ‘Mohabbat ki Dukan’ and said that he spoke about affection but stabbed the citizens in the back. Speaking on the Rajasthan elections, he said, “BJP is winning the elections in Rajasthan because the people there have recognised the false promises of Congress. Congress has never respected any constitutional agency.”
On contesting the Lok Sabha elections from Kurukshetra in 2024, he said that this is the party’s decision and he will work to fulfil whatever responsibility the party gave him.He said, “We will work to strengthen the party so that it can bring the BJP to power once again in the coming elections.”
The BJP has handed over the responsibility of state president to a person from the OBC community. It is also being linked to the election issue to woo OBC voters amid the growing demand to conduct a nation-wide caste-based census by the opposition.
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