In Noida, Uttar Pradesh, a married woman named Nagma Khan, also known as Roshni, engaged in a relationship with a 22-year-old Hindu man named Gaurav Kumar. After spending some time together, she persuaded him to convert to Islam, accompany her to the mosque, and participate in namaz. Gaurav’s father has penned a letter to the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath, lamenting that “Nagma has taken away his only son.” He further asserted that the accused woman has fabricated a false case against him and is threatening him with severe consequences. Given his elderly status, he implores the government for assistance and intervention in this matter.
The family of the victim originally comes from the Java police station area in Aligarh but currently resides in Sector 44 of Noida. Gaurav’s father, Mukesh Kumar, is employed at an educational institution. Gaurav is a boxing coach and was once deeply devout and a dedicated follower of Bhagwan Shiva and would undertake the Kanwar Yatra to Haridwar during the sacred month of Saawan.
In an exclusive interview with OpIndia, Mukesh Kumar, Gaurav’s father told that his his 22-year-old son took up teaching boxing in Noida parks as a means to contribute to the family’s finances and promote self-defense among children. Gaurav, with his remarkable boxing skills, had achieved success in various competitions. This led to a surge in parents enrolling their children in his self-defense classes, including Nagma Khan, whose seven-year-old son used to attend Gaurav’s boxing sessions alongside her.
According to Mukesh Kumar, Nagma is at least 15 years older than his son and resides separately from her husband with her two children. Nagma has four children in total, with two of them sadly passing away under unknown circumstances. Her second child is just a year old. After disclosing Nagma Khan’s marital situation, Mukesh Kumar went on to say that Gaurav and Nagma crossed paths in the park and struck up a conversation a few days later.
He claimed that Nagma gradually entangled Gaurav in her influence. Gaurav’s religious convictions began to undergo a transformation, and he began to withdraw from his family. Mukesh added that Gaurav started spending extended periods away from home, ostensibly due to his involvement in boxing competitions.
Over time, Gaurav’s demeanour and choice of clothing began to undergo a shift. Mukesh Kumar revealed that Gaurav started practising namaz at home and adopted Islamic attire. It was only when Mukesh confronted Gaurav about these changes in behaviour and religious beliefs that he discovered the involvement of Nagma Khan. Mukesh Kumar informed OpIndia that his son is not the sole Hindu youth ensnared by Nagma Khan, also known as Roshni, and that she has enticed several others into converting to Islam. Kumar went on to explain that when he confronted Nagma Khan to bring his son back, she resorted to threats.
In August of this year, Mukesh Kumar lodged a complaint with CM Yogi Adityanath, accusing Nagma Khan of tormenting and coercing his son into performing a Nikah. In the complaint, Mukesh Kumar alleged that Nagma Khan went as far as to threaten harm to his family, asserting that her brother Azad Khan is a notorious criminal. He emphasized that there is a credible threat to his son Gaurav’s life from Nagma. Kumar further urged the administration to step in and address the situation.
After the complaint was filed with the CM’s office, the police summoned both parties involved. During the meeting, Gaurav Kumar expressed his desire to remain with Nagma Khan. The police subsequently counselled both parties to refrain from engaging in any further disputes. From that point on, Gaurav Kumar continued to reside with Nagma Khan. Mukesh Kumar conveyed that Nagma, also known as Roshni, prevents him from speaking with his son over the phone, insisting that she will block any number he attempts to use to reach him.
The report by OpIndia quoted Mukesh saying, that Nagma Khan manipulates Gaurav’s perception of Hinduism, portraying it as a rigid belief system while glorifying Islam as a path to “Jannat” (paradise). Emotionally distressed, Mukesh broke down in tears, expressing his belief that his son was being ensnared in a harmful web of love jihad and forced conversion. He pleaded that if given the chance to talk to or meet his son, he could attempt to persuade him to come back. However, Nagma adamantly prevents any form of communication or interaction between them.
It says, a Maulvi from Delhi is also implicated in the efforts to convert his son. This Maulvi purportedly asserted that he could remedy what he referred to as Gaurav’s ‘ailment’. Nagma informed Mukesh that her father is a highly regarded Maulvi, claiming, “My father has the ability to transform a person into a goat.” Mukesh further contended that Nagma has not obtained a divorce from her initial marriage. He also accused Nagma’s mother of initially marrying a Hindu man and subsequently influencing his conversion to Islam.
Mukhesh said, not only has Nagma taken his son away, but she has also lodged a police complaint against his family. Gaurav was summoned to the police station on September 16, this year, following a complaint filed by Nagma. When Mukesh approached the police, he was once again advised to refrain from pursuing the matter.
Nagma asserted that Mukesh had taken her husband, Gaurav, and was keeping him to himself. Mukesh, however, clarified that he had no knowledge of his son’s whereabouts. He is currently anxious about the safety and location of his only son, viewing Nagma’s complaint as part of a larger scheme. Mukesh disclosed that he hadn’t seen his son in seven months. Mukesh Kumar has urged the state government to facilitate the return of his son.