The victims who jhave lost their lives in the hooch tragedy were identified as Santosh Das and Bhukhla Sahni. Tragically, their bodies were cremated by family members shortly after their untimely demise on Monday evening, making post-mortem examinations impossible. Late in the night, another victim, Laltoon Sahni also died. However, the authorities have initiated a thorough investigation into the incident, aiming to uncover the truth behind this suspected hooch tragedy.
Darbhanga’s Senior Superintendent of Police, Avakash Kumar, has been at the forefront of the investigation. He revealed that the affected individuals, all hailing from Rustampur village, had allegedly consumed spurious liquor on Sunday. The police are diligently recording statements from the family members of the deceased, which will provide crucial insights into the incident.
Additionally, the authorities plan to probe Laltun Sahni and Arjun Das, two individuals who were reportedly with the deceased and are currently receiving medical treatment at different hospitals. Their testimonies are expected to shed light on the circumstances surrounding this tragic event.
Cracking Down on Illicit Liquor
Senior Superintendent Avakash Kumar has assured the public that the police are committed to identifying those responsible for the illegal sale of spurious liquor in the region. The crackdown on the perpetrators of this heinous act is a priority for law enforcement, aiming to prevent further tragedies and uphold the state’s prohibition laws.
Prohibition of Liquor in Bihar
It is important to note that Bihar has enforced a complete ban on the sale and consumption of alcohol since April 2016, under the leadership of Chief Minister Nitish Kumar. Despite this stringent prohibition, illicit liquor continues to be a persistent problem in the state, often leading to devastating consequences like the recent tragedy in Darbhanga.
As Bihar grapples with the recurring issue of illicit liquor in a dry state, the recent loss of two lives in Darbhanga underscores the urgency of addressing this problem. Authorities are determined to bring those responsible to justice and put an end to the illegal alcohol trade, in hopes of preventing further tragic incidents like this one.