The West Bengal Police apprehended a Bangladeshi national named Muhammad Liton in the Coochbehar district, who was found in possession of an Aadhaar Card.
Reports indicate that Muhammad Liton hails from the Khulna district in Bangladesh and entered India a few months ago with a valid Passport and Visa.
On October 7, while attempting to return to Bangladesh through the Chngrabandha International Checkpost in Coochbehar, immigration officials discovered an Aadhaar Card in his bag during a routine luggage check. Subsequently, he was detained for further questioning reported Hindu Post.
During the interrogation, Liton stated that while he was residing in Falakata, he came into contact with an agent who offered to arrange an Aadhar card for him. Agreeing to the proposition, he paid the agent twenty-five thousand rupees in exchange for the Aadhaar card. With his visa about to expire, he decided to return to Bangladesh.
However, Liton could not provide a satisfactory explanation for obtaining the Aadhaar Card. Consequently, he was arrested by the police. Later, immigration officials handed over the Bangladeshi citizen to the Mekhliganj Police for further legal proceedings and investigation.