In a shocking incident that unfolded in Uttar Pradesh’s Lucknow, a Hindu woman lost her life because of lending money to a Muslim man. After she started asking for her money back, the accused, identified as Mohammad Haroon, bludgeoned the woman to death on October 1.
As per the reports, the victim, 40-year-old Sushila Devi, was found dead in mysterious circumstances in the Bakshi Ka Talab railway station area of the city. The accused, Haroon, used to borrow money from the victim regularly. This sum reached 7,000 and then the victim asked her money back.
SHO, GRP, Lucknow, Sanjay Kharwar said: “Sushila had paid around Rs 7,000 cash to Haroon when he was facing financial crisis. Few weeks back, she asked him to return the money. However, he expressed his inability and distanced himself away from the victim and also started disconnecting her calls”.
Haroon hails from Loharmau area of Dawoodnagar, Faizullahganj.
“Feeling the pressure to return the money, the accused contacted the victim through someone else’s phone and asked her to meet him at Bakshi Ka Talab railway station on Monday evening. At the station’s platform, the duo engaged in a heated argument following which Haroon bludgeoned Sushila with a brick and ran away.”
She died on the spot.