Yet another case of harassment has come to light in Uttar Pradesh’s Hardoi district. Following the harassment, the victim, a minor, even tried committing suicide. She is admitted to the hospital and undergoing treatment. Based on her family’s complaint, the police tracked the accused, Mohammad Afzal, who sustained injuries during the encounter as he tried to escape the police.
Allegedly, the incident took place at the Pihani police station of the Hardoi district. The accused, Mohammad Afzal, reportedly harassed the minor girl on September 25, 2023, as she was returning home from a Ganesh Visarjan event. Subsequently, the police apprehended Afzal, but during his court appearance, he attempted to escape. However, law enforcement officers resorted to shooting him in the leg, resulting in his injury. Afzaal resides in the Bhatan Tola locality in Pihani.
— Hardoi Police (@hardoipolice) September 27, 2023
The traumatic harassment incident deeply affected the victim, leading her to attempt suicide by hanging. Thankfully, her family members intervened, rescuing her in a critical condition and swiftly rushing her to the hospital. She was subsequently referred to Lucknow for more comprehensive medical care. At present, the victim is reported to be in stable condition. In the meantime, the victim’s family is urging for stringent action against the accused, Mohammad Afzal.
On September 25, when Afzal harassed the young Hindu girl, local residents gathered and confronted him. He was later handed over to the police. Subsequently, the authorities were in the process of transporting Afzal to be presented before the Magistrate in Shahabad Tehsil on September 26. However, the progress was impeded by animals on the road in Ahemihaat village. Seizing the opportunity presented by the slow-moving vehicle, Afzal attempted to flee. In the process, he also managed to wrest away a service pistol from a police constable. In response, the police fired at his leg, causing him to collapse. The injured accused was promptly taken to a hospital for treatment. Meanwhile, the police are conducting a thorough investigation into the matter.