The DGP Dilbag Singh was speaking to the media after inaugurating the newly constructed Police Station building at Katra. The DGP during his visit to Katra was accompanied by IGP (Headquarters) PHQ BS Tuti and was received by ADGP Jammu Mukesh Singh, DIG Udhampur-Reasi Range M Suleman Choudhary, CEO SMVDSB Anshul Garg, SSP Reasi Amit Gupta, AIG (Building) PHQ Amit Bhasin, Principal STC Talwara Jameel Ahmad, SP Katra Vipan Chandran, other jurisdictional officers and prominent citizens of Katra. The DGP was presented guard of honour on his arrival.
The DGP inaugurated the newly built Police Station building and inspected the facilities made available for the Jawans/officers as well as for the visiting citizens. He directed for further improvement in certain facilities of the Police Station.
While speaking to the media, the DGP said that this Police station building has been constructed with adequate space/facilities for Jawans/officers. He said that it is a very important location as a huge number of devotees seek help and assistance from the Police Station during their pilgrimage to Mata Vaishno Devi Temple. It has been constructed as a modular Police Station of the UT, he added.
Regarding the Kokernag encounter, the DGP paid rich tributes to the fallen heroes and appreciated the efforts of all the officers and Jawans who were engaged in the encounter. He said that the J-K Police and the Nation are proud of these brave hearts. In the encounter a dangerous terrorist Uzair Khan was gunned down, he added. Replying to a question, the DGP said the Kokernag encounter hasn’t changed the situation in Kashmir.
“The situation continues to remain peaceful as it was before the Kokernag encounter. Police and security forces are chasing the remaining terrorists as we are committed to root out terror from J-K”, the DGP added. With regard to Narco-terrorism, the DGP said that menace has been here in JK with the complete backing of Pakistan and its agencies and said that operation against it has been further intensified to demolish it completely from the UT.