The CUET examination is scheduled to take place from May 15 to May 31, 2024. Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar Chairman of the University Grants Commission (UGC) posted on X, “For the Academic year 2024-25, Common University Entrance Test for Under-graduate programmes (CUET-UG) will be conducted by NTA from May 15 to May 31, 2024. Results will be announced within three weeks of the last test. Candidates can check the official website of the NTA to know all the details about CUET exam.
Also Read Complete schedule of other NTA exams
The CUET-UG aims to streamline the admission process for undergraduate programs across various universities and colleges in India. By conducting a common entrance test, students will have a standardized platform to showcase their academic abilities and compete for admission to their preferred institutions.
One of the key advantages of CUET-UG is its efficiency in announcing results. Professor Mamidala Jagadesh Kumar stated that results will be declared within three weeks of the conclusion of the last test.
This quick turnaround time will provide students with timely information about their performance, allowing them to plan their admissions accordingly.
Aspiring students and parents can access further details about CUET-UG, including registration procedures, syllabus, and other relevant information, on the official NTA website ( initiative is expected to streamline the undergraduate admissions process, reduce redundancy, and offer a fair and equal opportunity for students from various backgrounds to secure admissions to prestigious educational institutions.
The announcement of CUET-UG for the academic year 2024-25 reflects the commitment of UGC and NTA to enhance the transparency and efficiency of the higher education system in India. It is anticipated that CUET-UG will pave the way for a more standardized and merit-based admission process, ultimately benefiting students and educational institutions across the country.