Samir Kumar, a resident of Datu village of Bokaro district, Jharkhand, working at Karunya Institute of Technology and Science in Tamil Nadu was found hanging in his room, located in the institute premises. Samir was found hanging from the ceiling of his hostel (room No.411) at the Karunya Institute of Technology (KITS) Coimbatore on September 5 morning. On hearing the incident, police rushed and send the body for post-mortem.
Police said Samir, a bachelor and a native of Jharkhand died by suicide and a case under section 174 of the CrPC has been filed. Police found a wireless Bluetooth set was found plugged into his ears and the reason for Sameer taking the extreme step was unknown. The post mortem of the body was done at Coimbatore Medical College and Hospital.
According to a web cite page “Paul Dhinakaran is the Founder of Karunya Christian School and the Chancellor of Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences. He is an evangelist, who comforts millions of people through his ministry of hope and love. He heads Jesus Calls International Ministry with its outreach programmes all over the world. He produces the “Prayer Time” T.V. programme which is telecasted all over the world in 12 languages.”
Students of Raksha Shakthi University in Ranchi where Samir was employed till August this year took part in the protest held by the parents and relatives of Samir. They demanded the viscera be preserved and examined. Also sought an enquiry should be conducted in this case.
Vivekanand, father of Samir, said his son taught forensic science at Raksha Shakthi University. During his research , Samir had regular interactions with the KITS authorities . They offered him a job as Assistant profession in the Criminology department of KITS. Samir joined KITS on August 14 this year and was made the hostel in charge 4th. He contacted us on the same day to express happiness over his new assignment”. On Monday night (4th), around 10 p.m., he had a video call with his family .
He said “ on 5th morning , the KITs management called us to say Samir hanged himself in his room. My elder son, Praveer, went to Coimbatore and he was not convinced that Samir died by suicide. The photo given to us also did not clearly prove that it was a case of hanging. Praveer’s talks with police and KITS management failed to give convincing replies. They are hiding something. We suspect my son Samir was murdered. He might have seen something unusual in the university. ”.