New Delhi: The festival of Raksha Bandhan, which commemorates the profound love and protective bond shared among siblings, will be observed on two distinct days in 2023. This occurrence arises due to the fortuitous alignment of Raksha Bandhan on August 30 with the period of Bhadra Kaal, an inauspicious phase as per the Hindu calendar.
During Raksha Bandhan, sisters adorn their brothers’ wrists with a rakhi, a sacred thread endowed with significance. This ritual serves as a poignant emblem of the sister’s affectionate care and safeguarding of her brother, reciprocated by the brother’s solemn pledge to shield and defend his sister. Additionally, the brother presents his sister with tokens of appreciation, which could encompass monetary gifts or ornamental jewellery. Raksha Bandhan is not just a mere custom; it is a juncture for siblings to rekindle their affectionate ties and reaffirm their connection. Moreover, it provides families with an occasion to convene and partake in jubilant celebrations. The festival is marked by exuberance and elation, permeating the atmosphere.
Remarkably, after a span of several years, the convergence of Raksha Bandhan with Bhadra Kaal is transpiring. This convergence raises the compelling question: what implications might this hold?
What is Bhadra Kaal?
Bhadra Kaal is a 10-hour period that occurs during the waning phase of the moon. It is believed to be an inauspicious time for starting new ventures or performing auspicious ceremonies. In the context of Raksha Bandhan, it is believed that tying a rakhi during Bhadra Kaal can bring bad luck to the brother.
Why is it considered inauspicious to tie Rakhi during Bhadra Kaal?
There are a few reasons why it is considered inauspicious to tie a rakhi during Bhadra Kaal. One reason is that Bhadra Kaal is associated with the god Shani, who is known for his harsh and unforgiving nature. It is believed that tying a rakhi during Bhadra Kaal can anger Shani and bring bad luck to the brother.
Another reason is that Bhadra Kaal is associated with the demon Bhadra, who is said to have been killed by the gods. It is believed that tying a rakhi during Bhadra Kaal can invite the wrath of Bhadra and bring misfortune to the brother. Finally, Bhadra Kaal is also associated with the death of the Pandava brothers in the Mahabharata. It is believed that tying a rakhi during Bhadra Kaal can bring about a similar fate for the brother.
#WATCH रक्षाबंधन 30 अगस्त की रात 08:04 बजे शुरू होगा और उसी तिथि को रात 11:36 बजे समाप्त होगा। रक्षाबंधन इसी समय में मनाना चाहिए … दिन के समय कोई 'मुहूर्त' नहीं है: राम जन्मभूमि के मुख्य पुजारी आचार्य सत्येंद्र दास
— ANI_HindiNews (@AHindinews) August 29, 2023
Bhadra Kaal timing for Raksha Bandhan 2023
The Bhadra Kaal period for Raksha Bandhan 2023 will begin at 10:58 AM on August 30 and will end at 9:02 PM on the same day. This means that the only time when it will be auspicious to tie a rakhi on August 30 is between 9:02 PM and 10:58 AM.
Shubh muhurat for Raksha Bandhan 2023
If you are unable to tie a rakhi on August 30, you can do so on August 31. The shubh muhurat for tying a rakhi on August 31 is as follows:
Morning: 7:00 AM to 12:00 PM
Evening: 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM
Raksha Bandhan is a special day for siblings to celebrate their love and bond. However, it is important to be aware of the Bhadra Kaal period and to avoid tying a rakhi during this time. If you are unable to tie a rakhi on August 30, you can do so on August 31, which is the shubh muhurat for the day.
History of Raksha Bandhan
The history of Raksha Bandhan is not entirely clear. However, there are many legends and stories associated with the festival. One legend says that the festival originated when Draupadi tied a rakhi on the wrist of Lord Krishna. This act of protection saved Draupadi from being disrobed in public. Another legend says that the festival originated when Yama, the god of death, agreed to spare the life of his sister Yamuna if she tied a rakhi on his wrist. Whatever its origins, Raksha Bandhan is a popular festival that is celebrated by people of all faiths. It is a time for families to come together and celebrate the bond between siblings.
Significance of Raksha Bandhan
Raksha Bandhan is a festival of love, protection, and duty. It is a time for sisters to express their love and concern for their brothers, and for brothers to reaffirm their commitment to protect their sisters. The festival also symbolizes the importance of family and the bonds of love and affection that bind siblings together.
Celebrations of Raksha Bandhan
Raksha Bandhan is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy. On the day of the festival, sisters tie rakhis on their brothers’ wrists. The brothers then give their sisters gifts, such as money or jewelry. The festival is also a time for families to come together and celebrate. In addition to the traditional practice of tying rakhis, Raksha Bandhan is also celebrated in other ways. Some people organize community events, such as fairs and festivals. Others donate money to charity in the name of their siblings.