In November 2022, a month long ‘Kashi Tamil Sangamam’ was organised in Varanasi, Uttar Pradesh. The objective of the programme was to celebrate, reaffirm and rediscover the age-old links between Tamil Nadu and Kashi – two of the country’s most important and ancient seats of learning. The programme aims to provide an opportunity for people from all walks of life including scholars, students, philosophers, traders, artisans, artists etc. from the two regions to come together, share their knowledge, culture and best practices and learn from each others’ experiences. More than 2500 delegates from Tamil Nadu visited Kashi.
Saurashtra Tamil Sangamam
Saurashtra Tamil Sangamam was organised in Gujarat on April 17-30, 2023. This event took place at multiple locations in Gujarat such as Somnath, Dwarka and the Statue of Unity at Kevadia. The event featured an exhibition of Tamil Nadu and Gujarat’s art, culture, cuisine, handlooms, handicrafts, and more. Notably, Centuries ago, invasions between 600 and 1000 years ago forced numerous individuals to migrate from Saurashtra in Gujarat and establish new settlements in Tamil Nadu’s districts around Madurai, now known as Tamil Saurashtrian. Saurashtra Tamil Sangamam was a distinctive fusion of two diverse cultures and heritage. It aimed to reconnect Tamil-speaking migrants from Saurashtra with their roots and foster participation in cultural exchange between Saurashtra and Tamil Nadu.