On August 9, Rajya Sabha was adjourned till 2 pm, as Chairman Jagdeep Dhankhar strongly objected to Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) leader Sushil Kumar Gupta wearing a garland of tomatoes inside the House.
Soon after the House met for the day and took up the listed agenda, the Chairman pointed towards the AAP member and expressed his anguish.
“There is a limit…in our conduct. As Chairman of Rajya Sabha, I am extremely pained to see Honorable member Mr Sushil Gupta, the way he has come,” he said.
The Chairman adjourned the House till 2 pm.
“I will discuss this matter with the Leader of Opposition,” he said.
Opposition parties have been slamming the government over rise in price of some essential commodities, specially tomatoes. Gupta entered the House wearing garland of tomatoes.
The House earlier paid tributes to freedom fighters on 81st Quit India anniversary.
(with inputs from ANI)