Dehradun: Uttarakhand Director General of Police Ashok Kumar on August 6 said that three people were killed and 20 people are still missing in a landslide that occurred in Gaurikund. While speaking to ANI, DGP Ashok Kumar said,” Three people have died and 20 people are still missing in a massive landslide that occurred on the Kedarnath Yatra route in Gaurikund.”
He further mentioned that a total of 17 people are of Nepali origin and are still missing after the landslide. “17 of the missing people are of Nepali origin. A search operation by the police is underway,” he said.
Earlier, Nepal Foreign Minister NP Saud on August 5 requested the Chief Minister of Uttarakhand, Pushkar Singh Dhami for speedy search and rescue of its citizens missing in a landslide in Gaurikund.
According to the Secretariat of Nepal, FM Saud made the request during a telephonic conversation with CM Dhami and urged for a speedy search and rescue of its nationals who went missing after they were swept away by a landslide that struck Gauri Kund town in Uttarakhand.
Officials said that the landslide occurred 16 km before Kedarnath in Rudraprayag’s Gaurikund on August 4. “Two roadside shops and dhabas were washed away in the heavy debris that came down from the mountain,” an official statement said. (With Inputs ANI)