On August 1, Morigaon police led by Additional SP (Crime) Samiran Baishya conducted a raid at the house of two wanted cyber criminals Rafiq Islam and Abdul Jalil. The police team of Jagiroad police station seized 1243 numbers of fake SIM cards from the possession of the criminals. 9 mobile phones, 4 numbers of keypad phones , 12 ATM cards, 10 bank passbooks of different banks , one swift Dzire car and cash Rupees 1,40,000/- were recovered and seized by the police team. 6 cyber criminals were arrested by the police team during the raid. The arrested accused persons were identified as Oli ullah (38yrs),Abdul Jalil (30 yrs), Abul Kalam (27yrs), Baharul Islam (23 yrs ),Rofiq Islam (22yrs) and Mufeed Ali (23 yrs) and S/o MD. Ali Sher Vill: Bamanbadi , PS: Jurhera Dist Bharatpur of Rajasthan.
These criminals fraud in government schemes, banks, private financial institutions and also target individuals and make lakhs and crores of rupees out of them.
Arrested criminals were brought to the Jagiroad Police station for further legal action. Police sources said that these criminals obtain SIM cards using fake ids and use these numbers for fraud in banks, government schemes, and financial institutions. They have obtained fraudulent loans amounting crore from various financial organisations. These gangs have connections in states like Gujarat, Rajasthan, UP etc. Fake SIM cards obtained from Morigaon were used in cyber crimes in states like Gujarat, Rajasthan and UP, police sources said. Interestingly all the arrested cyber criminals are migrant Muslims and many and a cyber criminal from.Rajasthan were also arrested by the Morigaon police.
On August 3rd, as per the secret information search operations were carried out at the house of Ashab Uddin (22 yrs) , son of Sahab Uddin and at the Aman Travels store owned by brother of Ashab Uddin namely Afaj Uddin of Tengaguri, Kacharigaon village under Laharighat police station and recovered Total 215 numbers of SIM cards ( 22 nos of Idea SIM cards, 28 nos of Vodafone SIM cards, 165 nos of VI SIM Cards) 3 Smartphone, 1 Nokia Keypad Mobile Phone, 3 Aadhar card in the name of Anil Yadav having different numbers along with 1 Adhar card in the name of Afaj Uddin, 1 Lenovo Laptop, 1 Epson Printer, 1 iPad,10 numbers of ATM cards , 1 Dhani rupay Card, 1 Paytm Card, 1 Shram Card, 2 numbers of PAN Card, 4 Cheque books, 2 Passbook, 15) 50 numbers of PAN Card Application form,1 VMS printer Laminator. All the recovered items were seized at the Spot in presence of witnesses . The owner of the House Ashab Uddin was apprehended and brought to the Police Station.Unfortunately , another accused Afaj Uddin fled away before the Police reached the Spot.
On July 30, Morigaon police arrested one Rezaul Islam of Laharighat and recovered 247 nos SIM cards, one mobile handset from his possession in connection with a bank fraud case registered in Laharighat police station.
On July 23 Saiful Islam and Abid Ali, of Jhargaon were apprehended by morigaon police and recovered 200 SIM cards, several ATM cards,Voter ID, PAN cards, Driving Licence , huge numbers of of Gpay/Phone Pay/Bharat Pay Scanner and cash Rs 52,610 from their possession. On the other hand on 17 july
On the basis of the statement of detained cyber criminal Dilwar Hussein another accused namely Nekibur Rahman was arrested from Durabandi Pathar in Moirabari area and recovered 101 numbers of ATM cards, swipe machine and other incriminating documents.
On July 14 one prime accused of the gang involved in fraudulent withdrawal of money from PM Fasal Bima Yojona by creating forged Bank A/Cs namely, Diluwar Hussain (34), was arrested (who was absconding since three months) and recovered total 533 numbers of Bank ATM cards, two Mobile Phones, one Swipe Machine, one Finger Print Machine and some incriminating documents. In this case, a total of 8 accused have already been arrested.
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