No war can be fought without the use of weapons. And it seems sensible to claim that books are weapons in the battle of ideologies. This is demonstrably true in the current state of the world. Everyone is focused on demonstrating why their idea is the best. Because of this, a lot of books, research papers, etc., are published, as well as conferences, seminars, and speeches.
Many experiments go on in these ideological weapons stores and factories. For the past few decades, a similar experiment has also been conducted with reference to China, India’s “so-called neighbouring country”. Numerous false facts have been created about China, and practically every nation, including India, accepts these fabrications as fact. I am as knowledgeable about China as the average Indian is.
I got a book written in the Hindi language out of nowhere, and after reading it, I understood that everything I had previously believed about China was untrue and mythical. Rather, I’m surprised. The book’s title alone debunks many misconceptions about China. ‘Communist China Illegal Existence’ (‘कम्युनिस्ट चीन अवैध अस्तित्व’) is the title of the book, and it is written by the renowned intellectual Prof. Kusumlata Kediaji. The 190-page marvellous book is published by Prabhat Prakashan, a renowned publisher in India.
Reading the foreword of any book is regarded as crucial. This is a humble request to the readers: please do not ignore the foreword of this book. Renowned author Dr Shailendra Kumar has penned the foreword to this book. By writing such a brilliant foreword of the book, Dr Shailendra Kumar has shown exactly the same valour as Bhim in the Kurukshetra war by destroying the Kaurava army. Dr Shailendra Kumar writes, “The name ‘China’ of China was given by India. China calls itself ‘Zhuanghua’. China was one among India’s hundreds of Janapadas during the time of the Mahabharata. In the context of China, there is also an important fact that for most of the time in its history, China has been subject to external powers. The interesting fact is that it is not China but Communist China. The foreword of the book contains a wealth of information that is both shocking and informative. This foreword serves as evidence that readers won’t put this book down without finishing it in one go.
The book’s first chapter, which includes a map, debunks every historical myth about China in one fell swoop. For instance, “China calls itself Zhuanghua, but Zhuanghua was only known by its Chinese name in India.” China has been referred to as a state of Bharat and a Janapada of Uttarapatha in the Mahabharata period. For the first time in the last 200 years after Bharat, Europeans have begun referring to it as China. The book’s title and first chapter are sufficient to expose Communist China and those who support it.
The book’s second chapter discusses how Joseph Needham and Pastor Samuel Beal fabricated a fictitious history of China. The book claims that Samuel Beel and his associates played a vital role in spreading the unrestricted influence of England and Christian missionaries in China as well as in igniting the fire of revolt that tore through Chinese society and promoted philosophical discrimination between China and India.
The third and fourth chapters of the book go into detail about the conditions in China and India during the travelogues of Hiuen Tsang and Fa Hien, as well as Shuang Yun. These two chapters contain shocking facts that will be beyond imagination to a reader like me. What kind of explosive material is stored inside the book’s fifth chapter can be inferred by readers from the very beginning of this chapter. The book’s sixth chapter discusses the mysterious mummies discovered in China’s Tarim Valley and the evidence for their Indian ancestry.
Since Zhuanghua was never referred to as China before the 16th century, so understanding Sino-American-European ties is essential to understanding the propaganda about contemporary China. Chapter eight describes all this in detail. A lot of propaganda portrays China as a huge and great nation. The book’s ninth chapter dismantles this propaganda. The reader will learn some surprising details about “Dragon” in this chapter. The reader will discover in this chapter that the symbol of the Chinese ‘Dragon’ is actually India’s auspicious symbol ‘Kirtimukh’. China’s expansionism has been discussed in the tenth chapter, and the issue “The expansionism of China or of the Communist Party?” has been raised. This chapter also includes a thorough response to this query.
The entire expansionist tactics employed by China have been revealed in this chapter. The eleventh chapter describes how Christianity came to rule China and how the communists were only successful there after the spread of Christianity. Chapters 12, 13, and 14 comprise the three-part series “Who Made China India’s Neighbour”. This series is the soul of this book.
From this series, readers will be able to comprehend the plots and grave errors made by communists like Nehru. China’s diplomatic manoeuvres on the Indian border are revealed in the book’s fifteenth chapter. Additionally, it has been stated that diplomatic success can only be obtained after learning the truth about China. This chapter offers historical support for India’s diplomatic strategy towards China. When I read this chapter, the difference between China and Communist China became clear. In the next chapters of the book, a lot of information is presented with very important, factual and historical evidence, such as communists having no love for China, Nehru’s role in making China a neighbouring state of India, China has been the place of worship of Indian gods and goddesses, the conspiracy behind calling India’s merchant route as Silk Road, China has never been our neighbour, Chinese society is our friend, Mao’s announcement to let hundreds of flowers bloom together was cunning; Under which hundreds of flowers were allowed to bloom together so that they could be picked and mashed/destroyed together. On the other hand, the so-called Cultural Revolution of China was a disgusting game of completely destroying Chinese culture.
Rahul Gandhi, the anarchist leader of the Congress who secretly meets with the top officials of the current Communist China, continues to propagate the fallacy that India is merely a union of states rather than a country.
The book contains a sub-headline, “Present China is a Shared Form of Six Nation States,” which is enough to open readers’ eyes and expose the lies of Rahul and his ilk.
The reader will also learn in this book why the liberation of the Tibetan, Mongol, Manchu, Turk, and Han peoples from communist imperialism is essential and how India can contribute to China’s freedom from communist colonialism. This book explains the differences between modern Communist China and ancient China in a very factual and convincing manner. Additionally, it also exposes propaganda about Communist China.
The study of China may take on a new focus and context as a result of this book. This book will have a favourable impact on India’s perception of contemporary China. The current government of India should consider this book and recommend it to policymakers related to the current China. Every Indian in the world should read this book.