Rajasthan’s Minister of State in the Ministry of Home Guard and Civil Defence, Rajendra Singh Guda stoked controversy against Hindu Gods when he said that both Ravana and Bhagwan Rama were “mad” behind Mata Sita’s beauty.” The video has gone viral in which Guda is seen stating that Mata Sita was gorgeous and that her beauty was incomparable.
Guda Compares Himself to Mata Sita
While addressing a gathering, Guda said that he was like Mata Sita and in a subtle way he compared the Chief Minister of Rajasthan Ashok Gehlot and Congress Party leader Sachin Pilot to Ravana and Ravana as both the leaders are chasing him. He added that he must be having some quality due to which both Gehlot and Pilot are after him.
BJP lashes at Guda over his controversial remark
Bharatiya Janata Party leader Sambit Patra denounced Guda for making such a controversial statement against Mata Sita and added that mocking at Hindu Gods is not something new for the Congress party and its leaders. He said that in the past Congress party’s former president Sonia Gandhi had described the existence of Bhagwan Rama as imaginary and had also given an affidavit in the Supreme Court in this regard.
Another BJP leader, Shehzad Poonawalla described Guda’s statement as shocking and absolutely unacceptable.
Shocking and absolutely unacceptable
ASHOK GEHLOT’s Minister says Prabhu Ram was “mad” behind Maa Sita’s beauty – ((Rajasthan Minister Rajendra Gudda))
Makes very objectionable comments on Maa Sita & Prabhu Ram
This is the true anti Hindu Face of Congress
Deny existence of… pic.twitter.com/HXGZy4GAKx
— Shehzad Jai Hind (@Shehzad_Ind) July 11, 2023
Guda made controversial remarks in the past also
Rajendra Singh Guda is known to stoke controversy through his comments. In the past also, he had made a contentious statement when he said that the roads in his village should be like the cheeks of Hema Malini. He did not stop there and went a step further and added that now Hema Malini has grown old, therefore the roads in his village should be like the cheeks of Katrina Kaif.