Setting new records of popularity on social media platforms, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath’s official Twitter handle @myogiadityanath has crossed the 25 million followers mark on the microblogging site Twitter, said a statement by the Chief Minister’s Office on June 14.
It is noteworthy that CM Yogi Adityanath’s popularity transcends borders. Several leaders and celebrities are yet to reach this mark in terms of followers on social media, the statement added. He is also the first CM to cross this number on Twitter. CM Yogi Adityanath has achieved this figure in a span of eight years. He started his official handle on Twitter in September 2015.
After assuming power in Uttar Pradesh in 2017, his popularity has seen a qualitative increase with the way he showed extensive reforms in law and order along with development and good governance in the state.
With 25M followers on Twitter, CM Yogi Adityanath joins veteran leaders like PM Modi and Amit Shah in a club who have already crossed that mark on the microblogging site. It is notable that CM Yogi keeps on communicating with people offline as well as online.
The Chief Minister is active on all social media platforms. He also has a large number of followers on Koo app. He is counted as the most active CM and politician on social media.
(with inputs from ANI)