Under the ‘Ladli Behana Yojana’ programme, the BJP-led Shivraj Singh Chouhan government will distribute Rs 1,000 to 1.25 crore women living in Madhya Pradesh on June 10. This scheme was launched on the 65th birthday of Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan this year in March.
The CM went on Twitter and said, “My dear sisters, today is a very significant day for me as well as for you. Under the ‘Ladli Behna Yojana’, I will deposit Rs 1,000 to your bank accounts in the evening”. He added, “And it is not just about the 1,000 rupees. I have a message to share for your better future. At 6 pm today, I will participate in a public meeting in Jabalpur and connect with you”.
Even Union Minister Jyotiraditya M Scindia went on Twitter on June 9 and informed, “Tomorrow, under Mukhyamantri Ladli Behana Yojana, Chief Minister Shri Shivraj Singh Chouhan ji will put Rs 1,000 in the account of the sisters of the state and make them socially and economically empowered and self-reliant”. “Full of enthusiasm and joy, June 10 will be a historic day for my sisters of Madhya Pradesh”, he added.
Ladli Behana Yojana
On March 5, 2023, Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan launched the flagship scheme of ‘Ladli Behana Yojana’. In the past two months, he has participated in several programmes and public meetings to spread awareness about the scheme. The Ladli Behana scheme aims to provide financial support to women and ensure their children’s good health.
As a part of the scheme, a monthly payment of Rs 1,000 will be made to the bank accounts of 1.25 crore women between the ages of 23 and 60. The only prerequisites are that the women must not be income tax filers and that the family’s annual income must be less than 2.5 lakh rupees. Also, divorced women and widows are eligible to apply for the scheme.
The MP government received a total of 1,25,33,145 applications, as per the Ladli Behana website. Women are required to fill out an application form in order to apply for the scheme. The forms can be obtained from Gram Panchayats, ward offices, and Anganwadi centres.
The government-appointed authorised officials at the above-designated places would be responsible for filling in the beneficiaries’ information in the Ladli Behana portal. After the data is duly entered, an acknowledgement slip will be sent to the beneficiary’s mobile number. There was no fee charged for applying to the Ladli Behana scheme.
A list of all the beneficiaries was released following the application deadline. The scheme’s application deadline was April 30. All eligible women from Madhya Pradesh will now receive Rs 1,000 in their bank accounts.
The Ladli Behana scheme was introduced to give women financial independence and to guarantee that their children receive adequate nutrition. The programme also tries to empower women by encouraging them to participate in decision-making at their homes. The Madhya Pradesh government gave the Ladli Behana scheme an 8,000 crore rupee budget.