On May 3, the Income Tax department raided Congress leader Ashok Kumar Rai’s brother Subramania Rai’s residence in Mysore, Karnataka. During the raid, the department recovered Rs 1 crore in a packet placed on a Mango tree. It is pertinent to note that Ashok Kumar Rai is contesting from the Puttur constituency for the upcoming assembly elections.
A video of the raid is making rounds on social media, where officials can be seen bringing a hidden packet down. The officials confiscated the packet, which was kept on the tree branch, hidden in boxes for storing fruits. The seized cash was in the denomination of Rs 500 currency notes. In the video, the IT officials can be seen questioning about the packet, asking her whether it contains cash and who placed it there.
Mysore: Income tax department seized one crore rupees which hidden in Mango box on a tree.
IT sleuth raided the house of Subramania Rai in Mysore . pic.twitter.com/bbLDM3ZOPL
— Ashish Dubey (@iam_ashishdubey) May 3, 2023
The 224-member Karnataka assembly will go to elections on May 10, and the votes will be counted on May 13. It is pertinent to note that the authorities have seized over Rs 110 crore in cash, following the enforcement of the Model Code of Conduct (MCC) is in effect in the poll-bound state. Furthermore, the Chief Electoral Officer of Karnataka reported that 2,346 FIRs had been filed concerning the seizures.
The Bengaluru Police apprehended two individuals from an auto travelling with unaccounted Rs 1 crore cash near the City Market area on April 13.
Furthermore, the IT department raided three properties connected to Karnataka Congress leader Gangadhar Gowda, including two residential premises and one educational institution in the Belthangady area on April 24. The education institution belongs to Gangadhar Gowda’s son Ranjan Gowda.
On May 1, the authorities seized drugs worth Rs 1.02 crore from Bengaluru’s Pulakeshinagar assembly constituency. The authorities have also seized 2.67 kgs of drugs valued at Rs 1.5 crore and Rs 61.40 lakhs in cash in Bangalore City South and BTM (Byrasandra, Tavarekere and Madivala) Layout constituencies.
Furthermore, the authorities have recovered about 19.62 lakh litres of alcohol valued at Rs 74.13 crore, 1,662.28 kgs of drugs valued at about Rs 21.13 crore, 149.42 kgs of gold valued at about Rs 76.05 crore and 644.54 kg of silver valued at Rs 4.48 crore, according to the Commission.