On April 22, the Uttar Pradesh Government’s Sugarcane Department passed an order to enhance farmers’ credit limit from Rs 75,000 to Rs 1 lakh. The increased credit limit would allow farmers to implement new techniques for sugarcane farming. Furthermore, the increased credit limit would help farmers purchase agricultural inputs.
Furthermore, the department has launched the Ganna Nivesh App to help farms place online orders for agricultural inputs. Notably, about 2 lakh metric tonnes of agricultural inputs like chemical fertilisers, urea, DAP, NPK and other agricultural inputs are distributed among 158 Cooperative Cane Development Societies and 13 Cooperative Sugar Mill Societies of Uttar Pradesh every year.
The department’s press note said, “Under the current system, accounts and other records related to the distribution of these agricultural inputs are maintained by Cane Societies and sugar mill Societies manually, due to which there is excess of manpower and paperwork, as well as there is always more risks and possibilities of misappropriation by the godown in-charge.”
“Taking effective steps to solve these problems, Cane Development Department has developed. “Ganna Nivesh App” under module 4 and 5 for the fair and transparent system to distribute agricultural inputs to Cane farmers in Cooperative Cane and Sugar mill Societies,” the press note added.
Sanjay R Bhoosreddy, the Additional Chief Secretary of the Sugarcane and Sugar Industry of Uttar Pradesh, said connecting farmers online for transaction and purchase is a noble step aiming at eliminating corrupt practices in the purchase and supply of agricultural inputs such as different kinds of fertilisers, pesticides and weedicides.
He said, “The scheme will benefit 46 lakh sugarcane suppliers in the state who are linked with as many as 158 cooperative cane development and 13 cooperative sugar mill societies which distribute around 2 lakh metric tonnes of agricultural inputs to farmers every year”. This move will effectively curb any scam in stocks and their distribution. The officer further explained, “The credit limit would be extended for a maximum period of three years.”
Furthermore, the press note said there would be an online training session for Ganna Nivesh App in Cooperative Cane and Sugar Mill Societies for Sugar Cane farmers. These training sessions aim to promote a fair and transparent distribution system for agricultural inputs such as fertilisers and pesticides and empower the farming community more effectively.