Following the terror attack on troops in Jammu and Kashmir’s Poonch that claimed the lives of five soldiers the previous day, the Indian Army launched a massive operation on April 21 to hunt down a group of around six to seven terrorists who were behind this attack.
“The Army and security agencies have received inputs about the presence of 6-7 terrorists operating in two groups in the Rajouri-Poonch sector near the area where the incident took place yesterday,” defence sources told ANI. Sources said that this group was involved in the ambush of the Indian Army vehicle yesterday in the Poonch sector, where five soldiers were killed.
As a follow-up, the Indian Army has launched multiple operations to nab the terror group.
“Multiple special forces teams along with drones and surveillance helicopters have been rushed to the area to help carry out search and destroy ops there,” the sources said.
The security forces, including the Army, Police and Intelligence Agencies, are coordinating the operations.
As per the sources, the terrorists are suspected to be from the Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) and from Pakistan.
“More details are being ascertained about their route of ingress into the area. The search is being conducted extensively in the area where multiple cave-type natural structures are present,” said sources.
The sources said search operations are continuing, and more details are awaited.
(with inputs from ANI)