The Uttar Pradesh Special Task Force (UP-STF) in a massive crackdown killed the son of dreaded gangster Atiq Ahmad yesterday (April 13) in Jhansi. Asad Ahmed and shooter Ghulam were killed in an encounter. A day after their murder, Ghulam’s mother said in front of the media that, ‘he deserved it and that Government’s action is absolutely correct’.
While propaganda website, ‘Wire’ journalist Arfa Khanum says, ‘Rule of Law’ is dead in India with rising encounters.
Both Asad and Ghulam were accused in the Umesh Pal murder case and were absconding since the day Pal was shot in broad daylight in UP’s Prayagraj in February.
Contrary to the statement of Ghulam’s mother journalists like Arfa Khanum is claiming that the ‘Rule of Law is dead in India’.
Ghulam’s mother while speaking with ANI said, “The action taken by the government is absolutely correct. All gangsters and criminals will take a lesson from this. I had no idea that he (my son) used to work for gangster Atiq Ahmed. I will not receive his body, maybe his wife will receive it,”
#WATCH | Prayagraj, UP: "The action taken by the government is absolutely correct. All gangsters and criminals will take a lesson from this. I had no idea that he (my son) used to work for gangster Atiq Ahmed. I will not receive his body, maybe his wife will receive it," says…
— ANI UP/Uttarakhand (@ANINewsUP) April 14, 2023
“He killed someone and now if the government officials have killed him, how can I say it is wrong? The government has done no wrong, this is absolutely correct,” she added.
On the other hand on April 14, Khanum Tweeted from her official Twitter account that, “Encounter killings are an admission by the regime that Rule of Law is dead in India.
It’s a sign of a sick society that it doesn’t just approve it but celebrates it.
Rejoice all you want but remember once law stops working for those you hate,it soon will stop working for you too”
Encounter killings are an admission by the regime that Rule of Law is dead in India.
It’s a sign of a sick society that it doesn’t just approve it but celebrates it.
Rejoice all you want but remember once law stops working for those you hate,it soon will stop working for you too— Arfa Khanum Sherwani (@khanumarfa) April 14, 2023
Earlier on April 13, Ghulam’s brother said that the family will not accept his body for his last rites. Rahil Hasan, brother of slain shooter Ghulam, told the media that “Whatever information we had, we had given it to the police. We knew that the police were constantly looking for him. I also came to know about the encounter half an hour ago. He had already severed ties with the family. Whenever Atiq used to appear in court, Ghulam used to go to meet him.”
Asad and Ghulam were killed by the UP-STF for killing Umesh Pal. Pal’s mother told the media, ‘Asad Ahmed’s murder is a tribute to my son’.