Fresh clashes broke out between two groups in the Jamshedpur district of Jharkhand following an alleged desecration of a Hindu religious flag. Notably, following the Hanuman Janmostv tensions have been brewing between the groups. The situation became worse when Hindus found that a piece of meat was tagged to a Ram Navami flag.
As of now, the internet in the area has been suspended, and section 144 of the CrPC has been imposed with troops conducting flag marches.
On April 10, news agency ANI shared a video clip from Jamshedpur city showing security forces doing the flag march. In the video ahead the troops can be seen entering an area by the Mosque.
#WATCH | Security forces conduct flag march in Jamshedpur's Kadma police station area following an incident of stone pelting and arson, in Jharkhand
Section 144 CrPc is enforced in the area and mobile internet is temporarily banned.
— ANI (@ANI) April 10, 2023
The tweet read, “Security forces conduct flag march in Jamshedpur’s Kadma police station area following an incident of stone pelting and arson, in Jharkhand. Section 144 CrPc is enforced in the area and mobile internet is temporarily banned.”
Notably on April 8, after Hindu activists protested the act of targeting Hindu religious sentiments by tagging a piece of meat on the Saffron flag, arson broke out.
The Press Trust of India (PTI) reported, “Alleged desecration of a religious flag led to brick-batting between two groups and arson at Shastrinagar in Jamshedpur, prompting the authorities to impose Prohibitory Orders under Section 144 of CrPC in the locality on Sunday (April 9) evening.”
VIDEO | Alleged desecration of a religious flag led to brick-batting between two groups and arson at Shastrinagar in Jamshedpur, prompting the authorities to impose Prohibitory Orders under Section 144 of CrPC in the locality on Sunday evening.
— Press Trust of India (@PTI_News) April 10, 2023
In Kadma’s Shastri Nagar, stone pelting took place, and rioters damaged vehicles and set two autorickshaws and shops on fire.
The opposition leader Babulal Marandi, who condemned the whole act, wrote on Twitter, “In Jamshedpur, once again an attempt has been made to disturb the communal harmony.
In Kadma’s Shastri Nagar, rioters have vandalised public property and damaged vehicles, rioters have ransacked the entire area, and prohibitory orders have been imposed.
After the last Ram Navami incident, the administration did not take the matter seriously.
The politics of appeasement and insincerity of the Soren government has once again left the state in turmoil.”
जमशेदपुर में एक बार फिर से सांप्रदायिक सौहार्द बिगाड़ने की कोशिश की गई है।
कदमा के शास्त्रीनगर में दंगाइयों ने आगजनी और वाहनों को क्षतिग्रस्त किया है, पूरा क्षेत्र दंगाइयों के हवाले है, क्षेत्र में निषेधाज्ञा लगाई गई है।
विगत रामनवमी की घटना के बाद प्रशासन ने मामले की गंभीरता से…— Babulal Marandi (@yourBabulal) April 9, 2023
DIG Kolhan, Ajay Linda told the media that the shops and the auto-rickshaw were set ablaze by local miscreants. DIG (Kolhan) Ajay Linda said that the shops and the auto-rickshaw were set ablaze by local miscreants.
Visuals of the riots as shared on Twitter can be seen below: