On March 24, the Delhi High Court said it is a “very sorry state of affairs” that the Arvind Kejriwal-led Delhi Government is are “trying to avoid their responsibility for making payments towards the construction of the largest COVID care facility with 10,000 beds.”
The Court observed, “Even after two years of successful completion of the work, the petitioner’s case for issuance of work orders has not seen the light of the day and the respondents are passing buck from one Department to another.”
The Court was hearing a plea by Shri Balaji Exims seeking direction to the Delhi Government to complete the paperwork and issue work orders so that it can submit its bills and invoices for the works accomplished for constructing and maintaining infrastructure at the Sardar Patel Covid Care Centre offering 10,000 beds to patient located at the Radha Swami Satsang Beas, Chhatarpur, New Delhi. Furthermore, the petitioner seeks directions to the Delhi Government to expeditiously process its bills and invoices in a time-bound manner.
The Court observed, “Based on the promises made on behalf of the Government of NCT of Delhi, the petitioner incurred expenses and carried out the work of air-conditioning, donning and doffing of the roof, water proofing of the roof, electricals to the entire system, infrastructure for the blood banks at the India’s largest COVID care facility.”
The Court continued, “However, inspite of clear admission, respondent No. 1 is not processing the petitioner’s case for issuance of work order and preparation of the necessary protocol driven paper work because the Administrative approval and expenditure sanction from the Competent Authority is still not available.”
The Court noted that “in an emergent situation, Government of NCT of Delhi had used the services of the petitioner in constructing one of the largest COVID care facility. The construction of COVID care facility was applauded not only within the country but also all across the globe for the commitment which the petitioner has shown towards the citizens of this city.”
The Court added, “Inspite of having undertaken the work of providing the services of Air conditioning, donning and doffing of the roof, water proofing of the roof, electricals to the entire system, infrastructure for the blood banks for the COVID care facility, the respondents have till date failed to even issue the work order to the petitioner for the work undertaken by it in construction of the so-called largest COVID care facility during such testing times.”
The Court directed the Chief Secretary, Delhi Government to examine the matter in coordination with various departments involved in the process and take appropriate action. The Court said, “In these circumstances, this court is left with no other option but to direct the Chief Secretary, GNCTD to examine the matter in coordination with the various Departments involved in the process, and to take appropriate decision keeping in mind the admissions made by the respondents in their affidavits.”
The Court added, “This court directs the Chief Secretary, GNCTD to consider the fact that the petitioner has incurred expenses in providing the services of air- conditioning, donning and doffing of the roof, water proofing of the roof, electricals to the entire system, infrastructure for the blood banks for constructing the COVID care facility centre as per the spot quotation/tender dated 27.06.2020 issued to them by GNCTD.”
The Court directed the Chief Secretary to process the necessary work order and relevant approval if the case of the petitioner warrants the same.