On March 21, the Seshadripuram Police arrested Kannada actor Chetan Kumar after his tweet on ‘Hindutva’ went viral over the internet. Seshadripuram Police Station registered a complaint against Chetan Kumar based on Bajrang Dal’s Shivkumar’s tweet for allegedly hurting Hindu sentiments.
Chetan Kumar tweeted, “Hindutva is built on LIES; Savarkar: Indian ‘nation’ began when Rama defeated Ravana & returned to Ayodhya —> a lie; 1992: Babri Masjid is ‘birthplace of Rama’ —> a lie; 2023: Urigowda-Nanjegowda are ‘killers’ of Tipu—> a lie; Hindutva can be defeated by TRUTH—> truth is EQUALITY”
Hindutva is built on LIES
Savarkar: Indian ‘nation’ began when Rama defeated Ravana & returned to Ayodhya —> a lie
1992: Babri Masjid is ‘birthplace of Rama’ —> a lie
2023: Urigowda-Nanjegowda are ‘killers’ of Tipu—> a lie
Hindutva can be defeated by TRUTH—> truth is EQUALITY
— Chetan Kumar Ahimsa / ಚೇತನ್ ಅಹಿಂಸಾ (@ChetanAhimsa) March 20, 2023
It is pertinent to note that this is not the first time Chetan Kumar has been arrested. Earlier, Chetan Kumar was arrested amid the hijab row for his objectionable tweet against Justice Krishna Dixit, a high court judge hearing the hijab case, wherein he retweeted his old tweet on Justice Krishna Dixit granting pre-arrest bail to a rape accused.
He retweeted, “This week KA (Karnataka) High Court Justice Krishna Dixit granted (granted) pre-arrest bail to rape-accused Rakesh B claiming, ‘it is unbecoming of Indian woman to sleep after rape; that is not way women react when they are ravished.’ What’s ‘unbecoming’ is 21st c (century) misogyny of this judiciary Dixit fossil.”
Reportedly, he is also facing two police complaints for his comments against the Brahmin community.