According to Kerala Health Minister Veena George, about 80 lakh people underwent screening for lifestyle disorders; of those, 20 per cent had diabetes or hypertension.
According to the Health Minister, early detection and treatment of the diseases would prevent complications in future.
“By early detection and treatment of lifestyle diseases and cancer, the diseases can be treated and cured without complications,” she noted.
The Minister said in a release that 20 per cent of the over 80 lakh people who were checked were determined to be at risk for serious illnesses. In addition, she claimed, more than 5 lakh people had suspected cancer.
According to Veena George, the screening was conducted throughout the State as part of the Government’s initiative to combat lifestyle diseases by identifying and treating them at the earliest possible stage.
The Minister stated that Rs 10 crore had been allocated to the budget to create the nation’s exclusive programme for preventing lifestyle diseases and associated activities. The campaign and the screening launched by the state to avoid lifestyle diseases have become role model in the country in the health field.
She said, “With the aid of eHealth, an app was also created for screening persons over 30 by visiting their homes.”
Out of a total of 79,41,962 people screened so far, 19.97 per cent (15,86,661) fell under the risk factor group for any serious disease, 11.02 per cent (8,75,236) had hypertension, 8.88 per cent (7,05,475) diabetes and 3.88 per cent (3,08,825) were suspected of having both, the Minister said in the release.
A Cancer Screening Dashboard was also developed as part of the Cancer Control Strategy, and through this, 6.49 per cent (5,15,938) have been referred for suspected cancer, she said.
The Minister also said anyone in need could get a free diagnostic and treatment.