New Delhi: On January 11, the Border Security Force (BSF) sent a contingent of 29 Kashmiri students from different schools of Kashmir Valley for educational-cum-motivational Bharat Darshan Tour.
29 students, including seven girls and 22 boys, have been sent for Bharat Darshan Tour to Mumbai by Air.
As part of the seven-day tour spreading the message of love and peace from the valley, the group will visit all the major tourist attractions in and around Mumbai, like the Gateway of India, Nehru Science Centre, Marine Drive, Jahangir Art Gallery, Haji Ali Dargah, Bhabha Atomic Research Centre etc. The groups are provided with free lodging, boarding, clothing and transportation during the tour.
A statement issued by BSF also called India’s first line of defence mentioned that, the move was taken by the BSF as part of the Civic Action Programme of the government of India and in continuation of its commitment to the people of Kashmir valley.
BSF Inspector General (Kashmir Frontier) Ashok Yadav flagged off the contingent from the force Frontier Headquarters in Humhama, Srinagar.
Earlier, as a part of its efforts to engage with the border community and youth, the BSF Kashmir has so far sent 1,100 youth from remote areas of Kashmir Valley to various parts of the Country through several Bharat Darshan Tours.
During this year, BSF is going to organise five Bharat Darshan Tours in which total of 105 students belonging to Kashmir Valley will participate, the statement added.
Also, “The aim of these tours is to acquaint the youths with various cultures, customs and ethos of our Country. These tours would help in motivating the youth to develop a broader perspective, improve their understanding and knowledge through observation and make them aware about the academic and professional opportunities available in other parts of the country,” it added.
(with inputs from ANI)