Mangaluru (Karnataka): Karnataka Police, on January 3, recovered fake notes worth Rs 4.5 lakh from two people in Mangaluru. According to police, the two accused were identified as Nizamuddin and Razim.
Counterfeit notes worth Rs 4.5 lakhs of Rs 500 denomination were recovered by the police. A robbed vehicle was also seized from the accused.
Police said both accused have past cases registered against them. The investigations are underway.
Nizamuddin is an accused in a murder case reported at Vittal police station in 2015. He has five cases, including two murder cases, against him, said Commissioner of Police Mangaluru N Shashi Kumar.
“The accused said they brought the notes from Bengaluru and they had paid Rs 1.10 lakh to buy the fake notes. They also revealed that the person they got the fake notes from had told them that the money was printed in Coimbatore. We will verify it,” the Commissioner of Police said.