Maharashtra Police reported an FIR against a Christian individual identified as Ravindersingh Bhanwarsingh Rajpurohit for bullying and physically beating his wife for 21 years and compelling her to convert to Christianity. The FIR was registered against the accused on December 3 at Yerwada Police Station in Pune.
According to the reports, Ravindersingh Bhanwarsingh Rajpurohit, a resident of the Yerwada area of Pune city had left his religion and accepted Christianity 21 years ago. Since then, he physically and mentally disturbed his wife and even her parents and children to convert to Christianity. He would thrash his wife and her family members and would threaten to send his children to a Christian school.
The woman mentioned that the accused had hurt her religious beliefs by throwing the idols of Hindu Gods and Goddesses and religious photographs that were installed in the house into the river the woman. Fed up by the accused’s behaviour, the 43-year-old woman reached the police station on December 3 and lodged a police complaint.
The complaint further noted that the accused wanted the children to attend a Christian school. The woman stated that both her children study in a reputed school in Pune and that their studies are getting affected due to the stressful environment at home. Police have filed against the accused under the applicable sections of the law. Further investigations are underway.