New Delhi: Fresh CCTV footage of jailed Delhi minister Satyendar Jain has emerged from Tihar Jail, where the Aam Aadmi Party leader is seen in conversation with some people, including the Jail superintendent Ajit Kumar who is currently under suspension. In the purported videos sourced from Tihar Jail, Jain can be seen lying on his bed, and Ajit Kumar is seated on a chair nearby while the pair seem to be having a conversation. Kumar was suspended as Tihar Jail Superintendant on November 14 for allegedly providing special treatment to the Delhi minister.
At the beginning of the footage from earlier this September, the Delhi minister is seen interacting with several people who leave before Ajit Kumar enters Jain’s cell.BJP spokesperson Shehzad Poonawalla tweeted the footage and posted on his Twitter account, “Yet another video of Tihar put out by the media. This time the Satyendar ka darbaar has Jail superintendent who has now been suspended. “After maalish by child rapist & Nawabi meal now this! This is corruption therapy of AAP, but Kejriwal ji defends this! Will he sack SJ now?” Shehzad Jai Hind twitter handle tweeted. The new CCTV footage came after the Tihar Jail Superintendent was suspended for allegedly providing special treatment to jailed Jain. Meanwhile, earlier on November 23, Jain had filed an application in a Delhi court seeking direction to restrain all media organizations from airing, broadcasting or publishing any CCTV clip related to him. The plea stated that all the national media regularly run CCTV footage of Satyendar Jain. A parallel media trial is going against him, despite the present matter being examined by this court, argued senior advocate Rahul Mehra who appeared for Jain. Two days back, a video emerged showing Jain having an elaborate meal inside. Jain was seen having food, including fruits and dry fruits.
The video of having a meal came out just a day after footage of the minister receiving an oil massage inside his jail cell trigged an uproar. Tihar Jail sources also said that the Delhi minister gained 8 kg weight during his time in jail, contrary to his lawyer’s claims of him having lost 28 kg. The new footage surfaced a day after Jain submitted before the trial court that he has not been getting privileges like proper food and medical check-up in Tihar Jail. He had also claimed that he lost 28 kg while being locked up in jail. (ANI)