On October 3, 2022, Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh presided over the formal induction of Light Combat Helicopter (LCH), designed and developed by HAL, into the IAF in Jodhpur. Naming LCH as “Prachanda”, Raksha Mantri said that its induction comes during the Amrit kal when the Nation is celebrating Azadi ka Amrit Mahostav and a pointer to the future when IAF will be the top most force in the world, as also making the country fully Amenabar in Defence production requirements. Raksha Mantri also took a sortie onboard the LCH shortly after its induction into IAF. Air Chief Marshal VRChaudhary, Chief of Air Staff said on the occasion that induction of LCH adds unique capability to the IAF’s combat potential.
Visit to Australia: Admiral R Hari Kumar, the Chief of Naval Staff, Indian Navy visited Australia from September 26 to 28, 2022 and held meetings with Vice Admiral Mark Hammond, Chief of Navy, Royal Australian Navy (RAN), Vice Admiral David Johnston, Vice Chief of Australian Defence Forces, Mr Greg Moriarty, Secretary of Defence, Air Marshal Robert Chipman, Chief of Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) and Air Vice Marshal Mike Kutcher, Deputy Chief of Joint Operations. During these meetings, the leaders expressed their commitment to pursue collaborative activities in several areas of bilateral convergence.
Visit to New Zealand: Admiral R Hari Kumar also visited New Zealand from September 29 to October 1, 2022. During the visit, he held detailed deliberations with Rear Admiral David Proctor, Chief of Navy, RNZN on a wide spectrum of maritime cooperation opportunities and signed an Agreement on White Shipping Information Exchange.