It was the CPI (M) Government which sabotaged the report on terrorist activities in Kerala. It was submitted by the police many years ago. However, the then CPI(M) Chief Minister EK Nayanar kept it under the carpet. The report was submitted by TP Senkumar IPS, the then DIG-Crime Investigation Department of Kerala Police. The report contained important details about Al-Umma, a terrorist organisation. Senkumar submitted the report before the then State Police Chief on July 3, 1997 which contained significant information regarding the terrorist groups operating in Malabar region. Five Hindu leaders were murdered one after one in Malabar region during 1995–1996. The consequent inquires led the intelligence into the operations of terrorist groups.
PA Mohammed Sherrief was arrested in connection with the murder of Kollamkode Mani in 1996. His links with Al-Umma were unearthed as a result of the investigation. Then allegations came up regarding the involvement of Islamic terrorist groups in other murders also. And, investigation was handed over to the Crime Investigation Department. Investigation could gather evidence regarding the activities of Al-Umma and Abdul Nasra Madani’s Islamic Seva Sangh (ISS). Investigation led to Al-Umma through Jamiyyathul Ihsaniya. Subsequently, the classified report was submitted.
The report made it clear that Coimbatore native Basha was leading Al-Umma in Kerala and Jamiyyathul Ihsaniya took birth from Sunni Tiger Force launched by Kanthapuram Abubacker Musaliyar with an intention to capture the mosques. Those days Usman Musaliyar, the volunteer captain of Sunni Tiger Force had fallen out with Kanthapuram. He was behind the blast in Kozhikode Mujahideen Centre and kidnapping of Chekanur Moulavi. Sunni Tiger Force led by Usman Musaliyar and workers of SIMI merged with ISS of Madani. Later on, ISS became a political party called People’s Democratic party (PDP). A faction of them joined hands with Jamiyyathul Ihsaniye. These extremist groups are in close rapport with the accused in TADA and NSA cases in Tamil Nadu. Workers of former SIMI extend necessary assistance to Jamiyyathul Ihsaniya and Al-Umma. They get large scale donations from Gulf countries through their workers living there. They get direct and indirect financial help from Pakistan also. They do have hideouts in North Malabar, Bengaluru and Mumbai. Thousands of fake passports have been issued from Kozhikode Regional Passport Office. Lot of people go abroad with these passports. It is also used for recruitments to terrorist groups. These all were explained in detail in the report. Report had stated that these all should be inquired into. — Vishwa Samvad Kendra Kerala