On September 20, Islamists attacked Durga Bhawan Mandir in Smethwick, Birmingham, allegedly against an event of Sadhvi Ritambhara. Notably, those who have called for the protests and forwarded messages on social media were very well aware that the event of Sadhvi Ritambhara has already been postponed. Organiser Sub-editor Yatharth Sikka spoke to Sadhvi Ritambhara on the prevailing situation. Excerpts:
Your events were scheduled between September 20 and 24 in different cities of the United Kingdom. What is the reason behind the cancellation?
The violent mob which protested against my event didn’t bother to tell us the reason. MP of the United Kingdom, Sam Tarry, issued an advisory to the Home Department and then we came to know that we can’t even do transit. Muslim organisations protested even after my event was postponed. They could not see India’s development and tried to fuel fear among the Hindu community. They even pressurised UK Government to cancel our programme, tried to project me as someone who hates Muslims and portrayed all of us as Hindu terrorists.
“The Indian Government must hold talks with the Governments of different countries to protect the dignity of Hindus in their country, their sacred places, culture and tradition”
Three hundred violent protestors gathered at Durga Bhawan Temple where your event was scheduled to be held. It saw chants of Allah-hu-Akbar and a call was given by the protestors that they will not allow members of BJP-RSS to enter the UK. What is your take on this.
I have been visiting Durga Bhawan Temple for the last 20 years. People who had stopped me from entering the temple were jihadis; they hate Hindus, our ideology, way of worshipping idols and are working for the Ghazwa-e-Hind. They had a problem with me and my ideology. Even though my event was postponed, they still attacked Hindu temples and hurled bombs. My programmes were scheduled at four places and violence occurred at all the places. Hindus are hardworking and pay taxes, but these people are worthless and are a burden on the Government. RSS and VHP works for the betterment of Hindu society. So, their aim is to divide Hindu society and they are working to weaken us. I am shocked to see the way the UK Government has surrendered in front of Islamists.
An MP has written a letter against your event, some are saying even ISI is involved in this. Do you think all this is to demean Sanatan Dharma?
Definitely. Hindus are living in every part of the world and people are familiar with their culture, how they lead their lives and their dedication towards their motherland. These incidents are only happening in those places where these fascist people are in majority. Now, they also have control over political power.
“All the Hindu organisations must unite and stand up against the atrocities happening in different parts of the world against them. We are tolerant and they take advantage of this only. They not only attack us but our temples also, hurl bombs at our sacred places and unfortunately all this is happening in Britain which is not an Islamic country”
Not only in Britain, Hindus are ill treated in Bangladesh and Pakistan also. Their temples are attacked almost every day, women are abducted.
Hindus need to stand united by setting aside their differences. This is necessary to make the Hindu society strong. There is a section who hate Hindus and to tackle them, Hindus must unite. We have to look within ourselves and point out our weaknesses. In Pakistan there are few Hindus, either they are
killed or converted. In my view, all the Hindu organisations must unite and stand up against the atrocities happening in different parts of the world against them. We are tolerant and they
take advantage of this. They not only attack us but our temples also, hurl bombs at our sacred places and unfortunately all this is happening in Britain which is not an Islamic country.
Minister of External Affairs Dr S Jaishankar voiced concern regarding the security of the Indian community following the anti-Hindu attacks in Leicester with the UK’s Foreign Secretary. What are your demands from the Indian Government?
I am very thankful to the Indian Government for raising this issue on the international platform. But
the Government has to work on this with utmost perseverance wherever Hindus are living. The Indian Government must hold talks with the Governments of different countries to protect the dignity of Hindus in their country, their sacred places, culture and tradition.