Incident occurred in Koothuparambu, Kannur district, Keralam. It was in Purakkulam of Kottayam Malabar Panchayat. Widespread protests took place against the Kerala Bank authorities for confiscating the house of a poor Muslim family and expelling them from their shelter. Local MLA K.P. Mohanan and V.N. Vasavan, Kerala Minister and CPM leader interfered in the matter as soon as the actions of the CPM-controlled Kerala Bank turned controversial. The old woman and the children were expelled from their house on Monday evening, September 12. They were forced to spend the whole night in the verandah. Now, they have taken shelter in the neighbourhood.
Suhra and family live in the verandah of a neighbouring house after Koothuparambu Branch of Kerala Bank confiscated their house and expelled them from there. Japthi Notice (Notice for Confiscation) had given September 15 as the deadline. But, the house was confiscated three days before the deadline. This family had availed a loan of Rs 10 lakhs from Kannur Thekki Basar Branch of the State Service Cooperative Bank in 2012 for constructing a house. They paid the EMIs regularly for eight months. Thereafter financial hardships prevented Suhra from further payback. Meanwhile daughter’s death mentally upset her. But, the bank authorities confiscated her house on Monday without informing her. Suhra and her family members were expelled, door was sealed and a board was hanged which reads that house is confiscated. Since two and half years remain for the tenure of the loan, Suhra’s request was to give her extension to pay back the debt.
CPM controls the Kottayam Malabar Panchayat without opposition; now, the issue is controversial and Cooperative Minister V.N. Vasavan has sought Cooperative Registrar’s explanation. Koothuparambu Area Manager of Kerala Bank is supposed to hand over the report to the Cooperative Department. CPM is in a dilemma in the light of throwing a poor family into the street. Discontent brews in CPM also.