Organiser Tamil Nadu Correspondent T S Venkatesn has received this year’s Haran award as best journalist at a function held in Chennai. Vedic Science Research Centre (VSRC) and Shree TV has jointly instituted this award in memory of nationalist writer and journalist B R Haran.
K Sthanumalayan, All India Joint General Secretary, VHP presented the award to him. In his speech he said Muslims wanted a separate country for them as they felt they were unhappy in Bharat. “Only few left for Pakistan and who had clamoured for separate nation have reminded in Bharat only to make it another Muslim country. We can see many leaders are in Tamil Nadu, Kerala. He said the seed was sown in Kerala in the ’cruelest Mapla riots’. He, who authored book on this, dwelt in depth about the Mapla riots. Sthanumalayan said in some parts of Tamil Nadu Independence celebrations could not be celebrated where minorities are dominant and police machinery functions hand in glove with them. I can give a list of towns in the state where even police or intelligence men can’t venture into it. We have not read our history in right spirit and Hindu unity is the need of the hour. We are not against teaching all religions in schools as it would help students to know what is jihad, “al-Taqiyya” etc. The pledge taking should not be a one day affair till we achieve Akanda Bharat”.
Venkatadri in his welcome address explained at length why pledge taking day is being observed on 14th august every year by the VSRS since 1997. Nationalist Thinkers Forum founder Omampuliyur Jayaraman pointed out that had Al Umma leader Kovai Basha and terrorists been arrested in early 1980s we would have no ‘balidhanis’ and Jihadi violence would not have bloomed. He blamed the successive Dravidian government for showing leniency and support to such terror outfits.
Founder and director of VSR Centre Bala Gowthaman in his speech listed out the ‘new challenges’ the country and more particular in Tamil Nadu has been facing. “When I say give importance to new challenges it means we are at close of finding solutions to the earlier ones. It has never happened Muslim occupied property has been recovered. The construction of Ram Mandir and abolition of art.370 are the first steps in forming Akanda Bharat. I hope many more such good things are going to happen. Missionaries, Naxal extremism are some new challenges emanating within the nation. The emergence of ideological issue by the ‘Liberals’ is posing serious danger not only to Bharat but to entire world. If we fail to tackle it with iron hand tomorrow, we will have to face another partition demand. In US, which is considered to be most secure country, Salman Rushdie was attacked and increase in gun shootings. It is an example to prove where the voice of liberals become a dominant force, they will force us to accept their Shariat law. If we want avoid most crooked and narrowest philosophy of other religions should be eliminated, the constitution should be amended to remove the word ‘secular’.
Venkatesan in his acceptance speech, appealed to the Shree TV and VSRC to identify and support right wing and nationalist minded journalists to take on a ideological war and false narrative set by so called liberals, Dravidian, naxal forces in social media and media in general. He said freedom of expression, writing and speech is being grossly misused.