An interesting piece of news from Kerala, in connection with the Independence Day celebrations, the state where CPM-led Left Democratic Front and the Congress-led United Democratic Front, political groups infamous for anti-Savarkar tirade, rule the state one after another, Savarkar is a persona non grata for both Fronts. But, in Keezhuparambu Government Higher Secondary School, Malappuram district, a boy appeared in the attire of Veer Savarkar even though the veteran freedom fighter was not included in the list of seventy five freedom fighters the teachers had prepared for fancy dress parade. Interestingly he wore a tag showing the name of Veer Savarkar.
Parent-Teacher Association office bearers told the media that the teachers noticed the boy in the green room. The photograph taken in the green room was circulated in the social media which invited the wrath of the forces who are at loggerheads with the forces representing nationalism. Workers of Youth Congress, DYFI, Muslim League’s Youth League and Sunni Students Federation staged protests in front of the school.
The incident underlines the anti-national stand the main stream political movements follow in Kerala. They compete each other to flatter Islamic fundamentalists and to glorify the rude, wicked and inhuman Khilafat alias Malabar or Mappila Riots of 1921. What more to expect from the forces who view nationalism and patriotism with apathy! “Poor” Congress leaders and their rank and file in Kerala do not know that a commemoration postal stamp was dedicated to Veer Savarkar during the regime of Smt. Gandhi, the matriarch of their Party.
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