West Bengal Governor Jagdeep Dhankhar on Friday took cognizance of the deteriorating law and order situation in the state and asked the Chief Secretary to provide him “personal update” by 2200 hours, today.
“Expect CM Smt. Mamata Banerjee to sternly warn law violators- they will not be spared,” he said a tweet.
In a brief directive, the Governor said the Chief Secretary has been called upon to “initiate all possible steps to bring about restoration of law and order as also peace”.
Referring to June 9 blockade of NH-116 for 11 hours, he said, “…it was expected that the administration would be in an overdrive to take preventive and precautionary measures which unfortunately are not reflected on the ground”.
The Governor further said “Vigilant steps were required to be taken in the wake of the Imam Association of Bengal circulating a video clip raising protest and its president urging demonstration after Friday’s namaz session”.
In violent incidents, a woman biker died after one Police personnel fired bullets outside Bangladesh Deputy High Commission in Kolkata.