Bengaluru (Karnataka): Under the Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN)- Karnataka, Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai on Thursday released its first instalment of Rs 956.71 crore benefitting 47.86 lakh farmers in the state.
PM-KISAN is a Central government-led initiative intended at providing financial support to the landholding farmer families in the country while also helping them meet their agricultural and domestic needs.
Under the said scheme in Karnataka, Bommai released Rs 2,000 for each beneficiary farmer of the state, through the government’s Direct Benefit Transfer system.
According to an official statement by the state government, so far, they have paid out Rs 3,861.66 crores for the farmers under the PM-KISAN-Karnataka scheme as its contribution.
“The union government has released Rs 8702.29 crore since 2019 upto March this year benefiting 53.83 lakh farmers under the scheme. On May 31, the Prime Minister released Rs 1,279.86 crore to the accounts of 49.30 lakh farmers in the State,” said the statement.
During the occasion, the state Agriculture Minister BC Patil, and Chief Secretary Vandita Sharma were also present among other officials. (ANI)