Before the ban on Dharmapuram Pattina Pravesam calmed down, the Hinduphobic DMK government has sealed the Vellimalai Murugan Ashramam in the Kanyakumari district. It is similar to Chennai Ayodhya Mandapam taking over on Sri Ram Navami day despite protests from Hindus.
Vellimalai Ashram, located amid lush green fields and coconut groves, was started in 1940 on a Thai Poosam day. It is also called Vivekananda Ashram. The current head is Swamy Chaithanya, who has RSS roots and was active during emergency days in his student years. After graduation, he was attracted to the teachings of Swami Maduranandhar and joined the Ashram. He has been at the helm since 1998. Christians are taught their religion at churches and Muslims at Madarsas. But no such facility is available for Hindus. The ashram offers five-stage syllabus oriented studies for Hindus. It also conducts exams and gives certificates. They have to take an oath in the presence of Agni (fire) that they would dedicate their life to Hindu society and undertake propaganda after doing a patha pooja. RSS Shakas are a regular event in the Ashram. Shakhas are conducted to create awareness among Hindus and prevent large-scale religious conversion in the Kanyakumari district, which is dominated by Christians. In 2004, during the AIADMK regime, it was renovated where religious discourses are being held on a regular basis, as well as Shakas and religious classes.
Now the HR and CE authorities sealed the Ashrama Mandapam with no prior intimation. It has cleverly mentioned in its order that it is Devotees welfare Sangam building instead of Ashram Mandapam.
HR and CE did not do anything to redeem Salem Sugavaneswarar temple properties worth Rs.2,000 crores from the encroachers. Encroached Chenraya Perumal temple and Pujangaeeswara temple lands are worth several crores.
Kannan, the priest of Sri Sita Ramar temple in Ammapettai, Salem, shared a video on social media a few days ago. He said that the local DMK councillor is against ringing the bells and is obstructing Pujas in the temple. He expressed fear that his life and his devotees’ lives are in danger as the councillor threatens those who support him. She entered the temple in nightwear and demeaned the priest in public. The priest was suspended on false charges like keeping the temple open past the normal hours, allowing women inside the temple in the middle of the night, etc.
Despite Madras High court order, HR and CE is yet to initiate proceedings to evict the Queensland amusement park from 21 acres of land in Poonamallee belonging to Kashi Viswanathaswami temple and Venugopalaswamy temple from Christian politician family.
On one side, the DMK government bans the centuries-old Pattina Pravasam event, and on another side, it seals and takes over prominent and active ashrams and mutts through the back door. Earlier the government tried to create trouble for Kanchi Mutt and foisted cases against Jaggi Vasudev, who became a stumbling block for preacher Paul Dhinakaran’s illegal land grab activities. It is unclear what transpired in the recent meeting between the Mutt heads and CM Stalin.
Enraged by DMK government Hindu phobic activities, Madurai Adheenam, Mannargudi Seer, Vivekananda Ashram head and others came to the streets to vent their anger.