New York State Assembly drops anti-Hindu references calling Swastika ‘anti-semitic’ and ‘fascist’ from two bills

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After four months of relentless efforts by the Hindu American Foundation, New York State Assembly and Senate have dropped the references of ‘Swastika’ from the bills’ S7680′ and ‘A9155’.

The bills are related to the Capitol Siege on January 07, 2021, when Trump supporters stormed into the Capitol after the Presidential election results were announced.

The bill stated, “The attackers carried white supremacist symbols including the flag known as the “Confederate battle flag,” as well as anti-Semitic and fascist symbols including swastikas.

Not only the bills used the word ‘Swastika’, but they also referred it as an antisemitic and fascist symbol.

HAF’s Anita Joshi and Shereen Bhalla worked relentlessly by providing evidence and building strategic relationships to remove ‘Swastika’ from the bill.

After succeeding in removing ‘Swastika’ from the bill, HAF thanked the New York State Assembly and Senate, along with Bichotte Hermelyn and Liz Krueger, for their efforts.

The foundation also thanked Jewish allies for helping in the false identification of Hakenkreuz with ‘Swastika’

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