A court in Ahmedabad found Arif Khan guilty of abetting the suicide of his 23-year-old wife, Ayesha Khan and sentenced him to 10-year imprisonment.
The court acknowledged the two-minute-long video, which Ayesha had recorded just before jumping in the Sabarmati river and later gone viral on different social media platforms, as evidence against Arif.
The police investigation later revealed that before shooting the video, Ayesha had a 70-minutes-long conversation with Arif in which Arif asked her to “Go die and send me a video of your death”.
The police investigation also revealed that Arif was having an affair with another girl in Rajasthan, and he used to deliberately talk vulgar to his girlfriend in the presence of Ayesha. The police found that it was done deliberately to torture Ayesha.
The father had told the police that her daughter was married to Rajasthan-based Arif in July 2018. But immediately after, her husband and in-laws started torturing her for not bringing enough in dowry.
This torture did not stop even after the payment of 2.5 lakh rupees. In March last year, Arif sent Ayesha to her parent’s home in Ahmedabad.
Before jumping in the river, Ayesha had also called her parents, who did their best to convince her to change her mind. Unconvinced, Ayesha told her mother that all that had happened was enough, and she was feeling frustrated. Before disconnecting the call, she had said, “Since Arif wants freedom, I will give him the freedom.”
After the video had gone viral, there was a massive outpouring of emotions on social media mourning the loss of a young life.
Sharing the two-minute-long video on Twitter, Zafar Sareshwala wrote, “23-year-old Ayesha releases this Video before Jumping in the Sabarmati River Ahmedabad! Just listen to this poignant misery of ill-treatment at the hands of the In-Laws and a Ruthless Husband! Are We even Humans? When millions of Women are treated in such Tragic Fashion!”