On Thursday (April 21), Islamist cleric Maulana Tauqeer Raza was back with his threats in Uttar Pradesh’s Bareilly. Inciting Muslim youths to take to violence, he threatened that if Muslim youths get incited and decide to take to the streets, there would be nobody to stop them.
He further threatened that he would soon start ‘Jail Bharo Andolan’ from Delhi and added that the country was moving towards another Partition.
Maulana said, “After Eid, our meeting will be finalised. And, if the government does not correct its actions and continues with its one-sided biased actions… Sabka Sath and Sabka Vikas, further course of action will be decided. It is just for saying. It is nothing more than a slogan and it is not being practiced. Therefore, I demand the government to correct its way of working in the coming ten days. Otherwise, the next announcement will come from Delhi.”
“We will start a countrywide ‘Jail Bharo Andolan’. And all people who love the country will participate in that including Hindus and Muslims. People from all the districts of all the states who believe in the integrity of the country and mutual brotherhood, especially the Muslims, will participate in this movement,” he further added.
This is not the first time when Maulana Tauqeer has made controversial statements. His claim to fame is his vitriolic comments against Hindus and Bharat.
Opposing the anti-encroachment drive in Delhi’s Jahangirpuri, Maulana Tauqeer said it was wrong to use bulldozers to raze the houses, and everyone should oppose it. The administration started Anti-encroachment drive in Delhi’s Jahangipuri on Wednesday (April 20), but soon it was stayed by the Supreme Court. On Thursday (April 21), the Supreme Court ordered the status quo to be maintained for two weeks.
Accusing the Hindu parents of allowing their children to become extremists, Maulana said parents should check the activities of their children. He did not explain why he was inciting Muslim youths to take the law into their hands.
Maulana Tauqeer Raza had roared in Bareilly on January 7 that if Muslim youths take the law into their hands, Hindus won’t find space to run in India.
“I see the anger within my Muslim youths, and I am afraid that the day this anger bursts out, the day I lose control over them… I want to warn my Hindu brothers that I’m scared that the day my Muslim youths take the law into their hands, you will not find a place to hide anywhere in India”, said Maulana Tauqeer.
Maulana joined the Congress party on January 17. He had allied with the Congress party in 2009 as well. He founded Ittehad-e-Millat Council and allied with the Congress in 2009 polls to save ‘secularism’ in the country.
Many other Muslim organisations like All India Tanzeem ul Islam had supported the call given by Maulana Tauqeer.