Need to Correct Distortions in History

An international seminar called upon historians and academicians to correct the distortions deliberately incorporated by colonial and Marxist historians

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Organiser Bureau

An international seminar was organised by the Department of Sanskrit, the University of Delhi, on the theme of Rewriting Bharatiya History’ in the light of latest findings in archaeology. Addressing the gathering, RSS Sah-sarkaryavah Dr Krishna Gopalsaid Sanskrit was a complete language and none can match that. According to him, colonial historians and Marxists have inculcated a kind of disdain for our culture and traditions among our people.

Commenting on the need for rewriting history, he said people who came 200 to 300 years ago wrote our history. According to Dr Krishna Gopal, Marxists had cast a dark shadow over the faculty of history. On the basis of linguistics, he said Aryans belonged to Bharat. They had not come from outside. Bharat worships not individuals but individuality. Those that are visible are not permanent. Only greatness is permanent and greatness is dharma. Therefore it is said that – धर्मो एको हि निश्छल:. (Only dharma is unchangeable).

Some people say that democracy was introduced in Bharat by the British. But Bharat was the first republic in the world. Like Vaishali Magadha etc. In Vaishali, more than 7,000 representatives elected their king. After the arrival of the British, it was said that literacy came in India, but after the arrival of the British, illiteracy came. India had a literacy rate of 73 per cent before the arrival of the British and 14 per cent was after their departure. Because Sanskrit threaded Bharat Rashtra as one unit.

Shri J Nandakumar, the National Convener of PragyaPravah, said Sanskrit is the mother of all languages and the person who has proficiency in that language is a linguist. The Brahmi script of Emperor Ashoka is used more by the people of the south than us today. There is a need to promote it. During the colonial period, most of the work was done to destroy the story of our country that is because when we distort our history, we consider it an inferior country. That’s why we need to rewrite our history.

Prof ChandkiranSaluja, Director, Sanskrit Promotion Foundation, Prof B A. Mani and other dignitaries also spoke at the event.

Delhi University Teachers Association president Dr Ajay Kumar Bhagi and Prof VS Negi welcomed and greeted Dr Krishna Gopal with a plant.

In the first session, Prof Ramesh Chandra Bhardwaj, Head of the Sanskrit Department, propounded Delhi University as the world’s largest and most ancient centre of Sanskrit, the knowledge of all subjects, grammar records, etc. is included in this department. The main aim of the Sanskrit department is to connect the students with their cultural heritage. At the same time, he said that the restoration of Vedic knowledge is our only goal.

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