Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) Sarsanghchalak Dr. Mohan Bhagwat attended the Hindu Ekta Mahakumbh conclave in Chitrakoot on Wednesday (December 15) and administered the Hindu unity oath to the attendees.
The attendees pledged they will always work for the upkeep and enrichment of the Hindu culture, Hindu religion and Hindu society.
The pledge also asked the attendees to ensure no Hindu is alienated from the Hindu religion and also work to ensure for the Ghar Wapsi of those who have adopted other religion.
“I pledge I’ll not let any Hindu be alienated from the Hindu religion. And will work for the Ghar Wapsi of those who have left the Hindu religion”, the attendees repeated after Sarsanghchalak Mohan Bhagwat.
The safety and well-being of women found a special mention in the pledge.
The pledge asked the attendees to sacrifice everything for the safety and dignity of women. It also asked Hindus to work for a ‘Samras Saksham Abhedya’ Hindu samaj.
It emphasised it would be possible only if Hindus rise above the divisions of caste, class, language and panth.
The Hindu Ekta Mahakumbh in Chitrakoot started on Tuesday (December 14) with the Kalash Yatra and will conclude on Thursday (December 16).
More than five lakh Hindus are attending the conclave.
The emphasis of the saints and seers, who are participating in the conclave from all over the country, is on the unity of the Hindu society.
The discussion is focussed on the issues vital for the Hindu society like population control, Gau Raksha, Love Jihad etc.