PRC faces a rising "anti-China" alliance systematized by the U.S. with sustenance by foremost groups including NATO, the Five Eyes coalition and the Quad.
On the centennial anniversary celebration, the Chinese Communist Party's (CCP) Resolution epoxy resin "Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era" as the official philosophy of China.
A variance between the Chinese text of the Resolution on the Key Achievements and Past Experience of the Party over the Past Century of Striving and the official English translation is that the word – 奋斗(fendou), which means "to strive" or "to struggle", is absent from the English version. Nonetheless, the term is invoked throughout the document, often in the context of China's "century of striving" since the CCP's founding in 1921.
In the buildup to subsequent year's 20th Party Congress, Xi and his factions are leaned to propagate more internal and public regulations, upholding the leadership core's imperative staying in power as long as his health permits. In Qiushi (求是)'s- the party theoretical journal- Dec 2020 edition, it is stated that the appraisal of cadres must be based on their "performance on the front line of foremost skirmishes." This is a diagonal reference to the fact that when policy or personnel hullabaloos rise within the party, all cadres must thoughtfully toe the party line in reply.
Among the crucial matters to be observed is to see if the party endures following pattern on its leadership changes, precisely the retirement age of 68 besides the two terms for its topmost headship set by Party's founder Mao's successor Deng Xiaoping. Approximately a dozen of the 25 members of the influential Politburo will be older than 68 in October 2022. Whether Xi will extend the tenure of his allies in this 25 members Politburo. This will further consolidate the dissent against the Xi faction within the Party.
China is tormented with tough contests in the economy and foreign policy matters. China is careworn to sustain a minimum growth rate of 6% to repay its debt (which was raised in reply to anti-pandemic stimulus dealings) and improve a still-recovering jobs market. On the diplomatic obverse, the PRC faces a rising "anti-China" alliance systematized by the U.S. with sustenance by foremost groups including NATO, the Five Eyes coalition and the Quad, as well as growing bilateral relations between the U.S. and Chinese neighbours such as India and Japan that seem to be reinforced by shared apprehensions over China. Despite his skintight control over internal propaganda and the police-state system, Xi faces sturdy challenges to retain his near-absolutist supremacy for the next decade or so.
The Resolution portrays the Xi era as the peak of a hundred-year long CCP initiative to transform China into "A prosperous nation that stands tall and firm in the East." Though, Xi's idea of a new Sino-centric era is endangered by significant geopolitical challenges. Under Xi, China has departed from affable ties with most key countries to more and more stressed, if not outright antagonistic, relationships with the U.S., Europe, Japan, India, the U.K., Australia, Canada, and others. None of these relations will likely experience melodramatic improvements soon.
While capitalism is fading, China seems to be under pressure to redefine "democracy" in an international milieu, which is likely a portion of the push for a "Chinese discourse system" and telling China's story. "Whole-process people's democracy," or quanguocheng minzhu (全过程民主), also denoted as "whole-process democracy," is a term first mentioned by president Xi in 2019 during a discussion session on a draft law at the Gubei Civic Center in Shanghai's Changning District. "We are following a path of socialist political development with Chinese characteristics," Xi said in the meeting, "and the people's democracy in China is a kind of whole-process democracy."
The slogan was used flagrantly to make this comparison during Xi Jinping's November 15, 2021, video call with U.S. President Joe Biden. As Biden pursued to frame hostility between China and the U.S. as being about the more significant skirmish between autocracy and democracy, Xi hard-pressed back with his reply around "whole-process democracy," essentially pushing that China has created a democratic system different from "that in the West."
Throughout the Central National People's Congress meeting in October, President Xi further expounded "Whole-process democracy" as a combination of four facets of democracy, including 1) "process democracy" and "achievement democracy", 2) "procedural democracy" and "substantive democracy", 3) "direct democracy", and "indirect democracy", and 4) "people's democracy" and the "will of the state". This set of associations, which Xi said give rise to "real and effective socialist democracy," has been endorsed vigorously by the Party-state media.
Amid this lust of consolidation of power, change of narrative (capitalism to socialism), diplomatic faux-passes and mistrust among internal stakeholders, Xi and China is and will be on edge. China's upsurge brought stability to the world after the first Cold War.
Amid this new cold war, Bharat's rise will bring stability to the world. Indian LAC will be used as a practice ground for PLA while preparing for the Hong-Kong style merger of Taiwan. A higher probability that the U.S. will use Taiwan just as a negotiation tool with China. And U.S. may take a stand like the U.K. took for Hong Kong, but maybe with different flavours.
While exerting pressure on budding U.S. ally- India, Is China setting up the plan for final negotiation (with non-aligned India, especially towards the U.S.) for finalizing border by issuing new border law? The Aatmanirbhartha, in all aspects, including foreign policy, will make Bharat the desired stability base of Asia and the world. As Chanakya said:
कः कालः कानि मित्राणि को देशः कौ व्ययागमौ ।
कश्चाहं का च मे शक्तिरिति चिन्त्यं मुहुर्मुहुः ॥
English translation:
Consider again and again the following: the right time, the right friends, the right place,
the right means of income, the right ways of spending, and from whom you derive your power.
While Chinese leadership is on edge, Bharat desperately needs the sensible and stable leadership of PM Modi. The below Sanskrit shloka appropriately defines the current phase for PM Modi:
यथा चतुर्भिः कनकं परीक्ष्यते
तथा चतुर्भिः पुरुषः परीक्ष्यते
त्यागेन शीलेन गुणेन कर्मणा॥
English translation:
As gold is tested in four ways by rubbing, cutting, heating and beating – so a man
should be tested by these four things: his renunciation, his conduct, his qualities, and his actions.
In Conclusion, amid Challenges from Xi and CCP, Bharat has the credibility and capability to realize, for the world, the motto: "postera crescam laude" (meaning: grow in the esteem of future generations)