‘Hybrid terrorists’ being used by Pak-based Jihadi outfits to carry out killings in Kashmir Valley: Report

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The hybrid terrorists used by these terror groups are mostly engaged in normal jobs and use small weapons in these acts.


Pakistan-based Jihadi terrorist groups are using 'hybrid terrorists' to conduct targeted killings and disrupt stability in Jammu and Kashmir, a news agency mentioned top government sources as saying on Thursday.

Earlier, two Hindu teachers were killed by terrorists in Srinagar.

According to the report, the hybrid terrorists used by these terror groups are mostly engaged in normal jobs and use small weapons in these acts.

"The hybrid terrorists used by these terror groups for these targeted killings are mostly engaged in normal jobs and are used for such killings using small weapons. They return to their normal routine after carrying out such acts," ANI mentioned top government sources as saying.

They added that many of these youth have been identified, and security forces are taking strict action against them.

On Thursday (October 7), Inspector General (IG) Kashmir Vijay Kumar said that police have several leads on hybrid terrorists and operations are being conducted to capture them with security forces.

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