The supporters of Rakesh Tikait heckled Hindi news channel Aaj Tak’s editor and anchor, Chitra Tripathi in Muzaffarnagar on Sunday (September 5), where she had gone to cover the Kisan Maha Panchayat.
The Samyukt Kisan Morcha (SKM), the umbrella organisation of protesting farmers, had called the Kisan Maha Panchayat in Muzaffarnagar on Sunday (September 5) to protest against the three progressive farm laws passed by the Union government.
The supporters of ‘farmer leader’ Rakesh Tikait dragged another female off the stage.
The SKM announced it would contest against the Bharatiya Janata Party in the forthcoming assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh and Uttarakhand.
It pledged to defeat ‘Modi-Yogi’ and the Bharatiya Janata Party.
Earlier, a female protester was gang-raped by the protesting farmers at the Delhi border. The victim later succumbed in a private hospital.
As reported by the Organiser earlier, Rakesh Tikait and his supporters attacked a young college student on the stage when she had asked questions about the Republic Day violence in Delhi.