Under the Union government's Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-Kisan) scheme, Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday virtually transferred about Rs 19,500 crore to over 9.75 crore beneficiary farmers.
After the release of the amount, PM also interacted with beneficiaries of this scheme from across the country and talked about the role farmers are slated to play in the country’s future.
“Where do we want to see India in the coming 25 years? When the country will complete 100 years of Independence what will the state of the country be? This will be decided by the farmers of this country,” PM Modi said.
“This amount will help the small farmers a lot,” he said during the interaction. The Prime Minister also talked about ‘Mission honey bee’ and saffron production in Kashmir in his address.
PM Modi also credited farmers with working hard despite the hurdles presented by the Covid-19 pandemic and ensuring bumper production last year.