Security alert was issued after a letter was received which threatened to blow up the RSS office in Lucknow. The letter also mentioned that the Mankameshwar Temple in Lucknow and 10 prominent Hindu leaders were also on the hit list.
Security alert was issued in Lucknow on Sunday (August 1) after a letter was received which threatened to blow up the famous Mankameshwar Temple and the RSS office in Lucknow.
It demanded the release of two terrorists arrested by the UP ATS recently and set the deadline of August for the release of the arrested terrorists.
“Security arrangements have been beefed up in view of the threat. Police teams are working with the agencies having expertise in such crimes. Our teams are also scanning the mobile number of some suspects. I have spoken to the head of the temple and other staff members and apprised them about the police preparedness”, the IANS quoted the Lucknow police Commissioner DK Thakur.
On Friday (July 30), the Hanuman temple in Aliganj in Lucknow had received a similar letter.
“The content of both the letters appear to be the same. The sender warned that every prominent temple in Lucknow and the RSS office was on their target. The sender wrote that 10 prominent Hindus were on their target”, the IANS quoted a senior police officer in Lucknow.
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